A garage door is a portal to your home. It offers protection, privacy, and adds aesthetic appeal to your home. You can get a heavy-duty or standard garage door made out of wood, metal, or fiberglass. For years, most people have opted for the traditional wooden garage doors, which are simple, easy to maintain, and sturdy. But times are changing. More people are now installing steel garage doors in their homes. Steel roll-up doors are great for adding security and aesthetics to homes that have garages. Here are several reasons to choose a steel roll-up door for garage door replacement:

1. Strong Protection and Security

Garage doors protect the items kept in your garage and the people and pets inside your home from the elements. Steel doors are sturdy and provide greater security than other types of doors. They also daunt potential intruders just by their appearance and height. Also, steel garage doors come with rigid metal reinforcement frames, making them even stronger. 

2. Weatherproof

All types of garage doors keep the elements out, to an extent. But steel garage doors do a better job than other door types. The metal surface of a steel door deflects rain and blocks the sun's heat, which helps maintain a comfortable temperature inside your garage, even when the rest of your home is warm or cold.

3. Good for Saving Space

When you consider that a steel roll-up door can be folded into a compact space when it is opened, you realize just how genius these doors really are. When not in use, the door is lifted to the ceiling and locked into place, effectively removing it from the footprint of your garage. 

Because of their compact storage capability, steel roll-up doors are a great option for garage door replacement if you live in a small lot and have little room for storage.

4. Long-Lasting

Wooden garage doors tend to degrade over time. They can also rot if moisture gets into your garage and does not dry out. Metal doors, including steel doors, last longer than wood and are less prone to rot and damage from moisture and weather. They will require less garage door repair than other types.

5. Great Noise Insulation

Because they are made of metal, steel garage doors provide better sound insulation than wood doors, which can be quite squeaky. Steel doors also do a great job of blocking out other noises coming from inside your garage or outside your home.

A garage door is the first line of defense to your home and contributes to the overall curb appeal. Contact a garage door service to discuss the suitability of a steel garage door replacement for your home.
